

Do you want to receive payments for transactions through victorum´s trading platform easily and cheaply?

Use VicPay - our feature loaded payment platform for users across the world!

VIcPay helps you to send and to receive fiat currencies as well as crypto payments, exchange currencies and control your spendings in real time.

Get paid or pay out your employers or affiliate programs instantly and spend anywhere in the world with our debit Mastercard or partner with us and get a branded corporate Mastercard for your broker or financial services company.

Our services are compatible with hundreds of websites in dozens of countries - and we are still growing!

Just look for our logo on your preferred digital currency, affiliate or exchange platforms in case you are looking to save money on transactions or conversion!

It´s not difficult to add funds to your VicPay account: load and withdraw via a credit or debit card, bank transfers, local transfers, cryptocurrencies and more.

Our awarded live agent supports you 24 hrs on 365 days within minutes in English, Russian, German, Chinese and Farsi.

So make it easy, manage both your and your staff´s finances in one easy to use app or pay. It doesn´matter wherever you are with our Victorum MasterCard - click here to get your free VicPay account.